About Valerie

An intuitive coach who helps you develop your innate parenting skills.

I started out my professional career as a lawyer but transitioned into my true calling as a Certified Family Life Coach once I moved to San Diego. 

Before the birth of my own daughter, I wasn’t sure I wanted to become a parent. Although I loved kids, I didn’t trust my ability to become a good mom because of my own upbringing. Even though I was born with a deep sense of intuition, when I became a teenager, I stopped believing in myself.

In my house, it was my parent’s way or the highway. Respect was big but I never felt that respect was mutual. Many times I felt like I was in the fight of my life to be heard, loved, and understood. The messages I received were that my own opinions, thoughts, and desires did not matter. This was so difficult for me because deep down I would have such a knowing about something but it was disregarded. But that knowing was important, which I learned later was my intuition guiding me.

So instead of listening to my intuition, I let my parent’s opinions, beliefs, and judgments guide my life and, I was absolutely miserable. What I eventually realized was that like the many generations before them, they had parented like a boss. Boss parenting is what experts today call “Authoritarian Parenting” or “Demand Parenting.”  Boss parenting focuses on obedience, control, and discipline.

As I grew older, I understood that my parents did the best they could with what they knew, and had experienced in their own upbringing. I love my Parents and understanding the “why” of how they parented has helped set me free to appreciate the many other lessons that they had to share with me like the meaning of loyalty, perseverance, and courage.

Even though I had come to appreciate the good in my relationship with them later in life. I still knew I didn’t want to be a boss to my children. I wanted to be a different type of parent, but I just didn’t know what that would look like.

A few weeks after my daughter was born, I got my answer. I was sitting in my glider, gently rubbing her back while she was swaddled in a blanket. Rocking her, I felt a strong sense of knowing that she picked me to be her mom. I realized that Rachael was born to experience her own journey here on earth and her journey was not about what I wanted for her, who I wanted her to be, or what I believed she should do. My role as her parent was to honor, respect, embrace and support that journey. Then I asked myself the question, “How do I do that?” The voice inside me said, “You are here to guide…she leads, you guide. You know what she needs, remember to listen to what your heart tells you.” I immediately recognized that voice. My intuition was speaking to me again, that same intuition that I had lost long ago as a teen.

All of a sudden, I felt so grateful for what my parents had shown me. I was the one in my family line that was supposed to break the pattern for the future generations of parenting from the old-school paradigm that hurt us all, including them.

Throughout the years, my intuition has helped me parent my children so they feel genuinely loved, supported, and stable in all phases of their life, no matter what life throws at them.

I have always been and remain extremely close to my two nearly grown adult children. People often tell me I’m lucky, but luck had nothing to do with it. My close relationship with my children is a natural byproduct of my parenting philosophy. As a guide, I am able to respect their thoughts, opinions, and goals, yet also help them to discover answers and gain the clarity they need to bring about the best possible outcome in any given situation. They know that they can do anything, be anything and solve anything and that is empowering.

Today, I coach families and their adolescents, using the same intuitive wisdom, parenting skills, tools, evidence-based practices, and resources I have researched and developed over the last 21 years during my parenting journey. The results are transformative. If you feel aligned and want to know how I can help you create a similar vision for your family, contact me today.

I truly receive as much as I give and everyday brings a new awareness to my life.
My children have been my greatest teachers.

— Valerie Canino